def reverse (source):
target = makeEmptySound (getLength(source), 44100)
sourceIndex = 0
for targetIndex in range (0, getLength(target)/2):
sourceValue = getSampleValueAt (source, sourceIndex)
setSampleValueAt (target, targetIndex, sourceValue)
sourceIndex = sourceIndex + 1
sourceIndex = getLength(source) -1
for targetIndex in range (getLength(target)/2, getLength(target)):
sourceValue = getSampleValueAt (source, sourceIndex)
setSampleValueAt (target, targetIndex, sourceValue)
sourceIndex = sourceIndex - 1
return (target)
target = makeEmptySound (getLength(source), 44100)
sourceIndex = 0
for targetIndex in range (0, getLength(target)/2):
sourceValue = getSampleValueAt (source, sourceIndex)
setSampleValueAt (target, targetIndex, sourceValue)
sourceIndex = sourceIndex + 1
sourceIndex = getLength(source) -1
for targetIndex in range (getLength(target)/2, getLength(target)):
sourceValue = getSampleValueAt (source, sourceIndex)
setSampleValueAt (target, targetIndex, sourceValue)
sourceIndex = sourceIndex - 1
return (target)
Hey love your blog, wish I found it at the start of semester, probably for the best I didn't to be fair.